Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Where is the good news?

There is enough noise out there on the Middle East situation, and I doubt I’ve got anything worthwhile to add.

The fact that the USA has a fucking moron for a President is now a generally accepted fact, the self proclaimed leader of the free world!

The knowledge that Halstead has managed to pick up where DeLay left off, and up the ante in the Lobbyist corruption is hardly worth chronicling.

That the Karl Rove’s of the world can continue to sucker a dumb public, with the acquiescence of a gutless media is bothersome but tiresome.

Watching a new ‘Uncle Joe’ emerge in Russia, and endearing himself around the world is plain scary, but Russia will always be Russia it seems.

The sight of a slimy Tony Blair riding out his government sleaze, successfully it appears, with a simple: “There is n corruption because I said so,” is the requiem of modern leadership. We will continue to watch the success of the strategy.

World leaders at the G8, patting themselves on the back and proclaiming success in the face of obvious failure is another manifestation of the; “because I said so”.

Joyous proclamation of World War III is, in itself, enough to bend a break the stoutest hear, if only because any human would be stupid enough to see merit in such an event.

That 337 are confirmed dead, with another 160 missing, and 52,000 homeless after another tsunami, and the headline reads “The Boy who surfed the Tsunami” confirms a disconnect with reality.

That most people around me go about their dismal lives unaware and uncaring of what is being visited on us by ‘wise and noble’ leaders is probably the most disheartening fact. “Don’t know, don’t care – don’t even want to think about it…”

That is license enough for greedy, incompetent, moronic leaders to continue on their own mad circus, careless of the rest of us.

Wake me up when it’s over.


Reality-Based Educator said...

Just give 'em bread and circuses (or the modern analogues - Starbucks and Ipods) and everybody's happy.

As my stepmother, a perfectly oblivious GOP voter from Mainline Philly put it "Things are good and you're just too negative. You always see the worst in things."

And I'd say, "Well, the world is hotter than it's ever been due to human activity that humans don't seem to want to stop, the war on terror is a failure, the Iraq war is a failure, the country is in debt up to its eyeballs, the government is in debt up to its eyeballs, the Super-rich are getting super-richer while the rest of us are working longer and harder to take home less money...yeah, I think things are pretty bad these days."

And she said, "You're so negative. Why don't you go to shopping at the mall. That always makes me feel better when I'm down."

And then she got into her SUV and drove fifteen miles in bumper-to-bumper Mainline Philly traffic to go visit her daughter at her McMansion with the six bedrooms.

Cartledge said...

I really loath negativity, but i seems to have taken hold.

Praguetwin said...

I always figure that I could have been born in Niger. Or, I could live in Lebanon right now. Or, I could have been shipped off to Siberia, or.......

As bad as things are, I can't help but to feel increadibly lucky. Sure I feel guilty, but wow, how lucky am I?




Certainly one of the above.

Not to say in any way that the corruption shouldn't be addressed. I mean, I think you all know me well enough. Just trying to say, damn, how lucky am I in the scheme of things?

So lucky I am riddled with insufferable guilt. Oh well, nothing comes for free.

Cartledge said...

Thanks PT. I just don't feel it at the moment. And you are right, while my thing is corruption, it is not per se the key issue. But the underlying factor of ethics sure as hell is.

Anonymous said...

"Things are good and you're just too negative. You always see the worst in things."

RBE: she's right, and you're a fucking dumbass liberal.

Cartledge said...

If you are trying to cheer me up arsehole, you failed.
But hey, come back some time, something decent might rub off on you.