Friday, July 21, 2006

Does GW Just Rub Some People the Wrong Way?

Has the liberal media gone barking mad?
One would think so after reading some of the liberal pap about GW Bush's innocent rub administered to the neck of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

After hunting around for a bit I found a name to put to this tripe - Citizen Conservative, which strikes me as similar to anonymous.

It is supposed to be humour, but the antics of the ‘leader of the free world’ are hardly a laughing matter.

In fact, much of the media from the G8 summit, led by ringmaster Vladimir, went a long way to showing the worlds leadership are bankrupt of dignity.

Office of the President of the United States of America

It is odd that the right should see humour in demeaning the institution of president. These are the very same who insist on the sanctity of so many of the country’s constitutional institutions.

It seems, in their rush to denigrate political opponents they are willing to sacrifice one of the central pillars.

They have forgotten that the institution is not the man, a man who admittedly evokes humour. To berate ‘liberals’ for expecting the dignity of the office to be upheld is a dangerous ploy, it undermines their core beliefs.

I can still recall the time when a humble Australian senator was rebuked by his stentorian female aide, at a social function. It was photograph time; “Senator, the drink! You must never have your picture taken while holding a drink.”

She scared me so much I still can’t have my picture taken while holding a drink.

But her point was the impression of dignity. “Those who hold the public trust have a duty to present themselves as dignified and responsible,” she explained to me rather curtly.

Well America, I suspect political expediency is going to change your constitutional landscape by stealth and stupidity.

What will you do without blind patriotism? How will you cope without fixed, immutable truths? Will your next lot of primaries be held in comedy clubs around the country?

1 comment:

Praguetwin said...

Ah yes, the cold war spell has almost been broken. No manifest destiny to fall back on. What now?