Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Oh brother… Give me a break!

I’ve been avoiding this story like the plague, but when the English media start running the story: Axe 'stupid' Big Brother, says Howard under their world news section it calls for some comment.

The Australian version of the reality show is dying on its feet, but not quickly enough for some of us.

The concept, like most of its ilk, is vacuum packed bullshit, with less tangible value than a miniscule Big Mac.

As if the mere existence of the show isn’t a scandal, they went one better, with a piece of rogue footage being ‘leaked’ onto the web.

Apparently it shows two male morons struggling with and sitting on the face of a female idiot. Party time! Woo Hoo!

So the red faced TV network which produces it ran it as the lead story right through the weekend, just in case anyone might miss it.

Well the stunt has had the desired effect. Right up to Australia’s illustrious Prime Minister taking time out from his fantasies of George W, to berate the show and call for its end.

Now the Prime Minister, come Methodist Minister, knows better than anyone that his comments will send the ratings of this vapid piece of crap through the roof, if only for a short while.

Accepting that Johnny Howard is a very busy man, doing stuff like hanging about waiting for George’s phone calls, he must have a motive for this otherwise brainless move.

With Howard’s Libs polling as well as the pre-stunt Big Brother, perhaps he is going to do a quick cameo on the show before it sinks right out of sight. He could always do one of those political door knocks at Big Brother house I guess.


Reality-Based Educator said...

I love the phrase "vacuum packed bullshit" - that describes so much of modern entertainment, particularly in the "reality" genre.

Cartledge said...

I am practicing my pithy, progressive ripostes.
Not sure that one will sell in a campaign lol

Cartledge said...

This incident went before the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal. The catch ism it was not broadcast on regulated TV, but on the web.
So now the the powers are madly trying to formulate new laws to cover new technology.
I would have though ignoring the issue would be a more certain way of killing the crap off.