“Australia is like a paradise in many ways, but it is a sick place."
So speaks Saleh Jamal, Jordanian-Australian national, who has just completed a two-year prison sentence in Lebanon on terrorism charges.
Whatever he is, he’s a bad bugger, and stupid enough to make some pretty serious threats.
Well, now he’s being released from jail in Lebanon, they don’t want him. I guess Jordan isn’t putting their hand up for the repatriation of a beloved son.
So off he goes, back to Australia, back to face outstanding charges. The real fear for Australia is that the maximum security jails are likely to become a university for these malcontents.
Mid-East stars occupying cells at the moment include a couple of bunches who seem to
think western women are ripe for rape, all part of their sick war.
The real shame is that there are a lot of damn fine people in Australia, with a Mid-East heritage.
Every time these renegades gain the attention they are after it tars the whole damn lot.
I guess they would see that as some sort of justice, I see it as more criminal than their big mouths and their fraternal, drug deal murders.
I'm sure there are many fine people, and I'd venture a guess that most of them don' reside in its prisons.
Anyone who judges all Australians by the actions of a few is, in any case, to stupid to worry about.
I'm not worried about what people think about Australians. Sadly 'downunder' boasts as many dildos as upover.
I've got friends in the Sydney Lebanese community. Families, that are closer and more supportive than most families I've known.
But in troubled Sydney, they asre now just Lebs! Witness Sydney's summer riots.
I'm just saddened that it all brings out the worst in communities.
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