Sunday, August 13, 2006

Security scam; sky is the limit

Surprise, surprise: Australia's elite sky marshal program is in crisis after a scandal at the training academy in Canberra.

A two-year investigation into recruitment corruption at the academy is now winding down after an earlier raid on the Canberra residential centre.

Sky marshals were one of the key counter-terrorism measures initiated by the Howard Government after the September 11, 2001, attacks in New York.

Australia deploys about 170 armed marshals on flights deemed at risk. Entry to the training program is highly competitive.

This program was pretty much flawed from the start, with government forcing its implementaion and control then refusing to meet any of the cost.

The cost, of course went to the airlines, or more precicely the travellers. There was also a lot of public noise over just how these sky-plods would operate, particularly the mooted idea of heavy artillery in the aircraft cabin.

The potential dysfunction lingered on over a number of direct and side controvesies. A number of airport workers like baggage handlers and others charged with preparing a plane were found to be of dubious character, allegedly linked to terrorists in some cases.

As much as anything there has been an overriding feeling that the whole business of flight security was a charade, simply window dressing for the larger public fear campaign.

With no slur intended on persons of Middle Eastern appearance, the feelings were driven by the high evidence of the breed engaged in airport jobs, from menial to contract security.

The US government is still frantically trying to cover up concerns about their Sky Marshall program, worries that seem to echo the Australian experience in some ways.

It boils down to the simple fact that if these programs are not a serious security priority, if they are mereley window dressing, they are doomed to failure.

Just another chink in the cynical excersise being played out by our governments.

1 comment:

romunov said...

And you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.