Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Funny bone ain't funny

I was a bit quick jumping on annonny-maus’s piss-taking effort below. Given that piss taking is the ‘Great Australian Pastime’. (Comments The wolf again?)

Sometimes the sense of the ridiculous wanes a little, especially in a world leaning more toward ignoring reality than to facing mistakes and fixing them.

I will say, however, it is possible to regard our Western leaders with the same disgust as the terrorists and their sponsors. That is, criticizing one is not automatic support for the other.

It seems more and more that reality is becoming our enemy rather than ally, lies and cover up, used as part of the terrorist armoury, are becoming the standard for our own governments.

For reality try today’s Daily Telegraph (London) - Israeli soldiers attack 'dithering' leadership.

Israeli reservists demanded a formal inquiry yesterday into the Lebanon war as returning combatants re-counted stories of shocking military incompetence.
One group spoke of how they were sent to war in the choking summer heat without water. They had to grab canteens from the bodies of Hizbollah fighters. They staged protests in several ways.

They charged that Ehud Olmert, the prime minister, and his security advisers provided dithering and incoherent leadership and must be held to account.

Hundreds of members of the Spearhead Brigade, a reserve unit that fought in south Lebanon during the month-long conflict… attacked the "cold feet" of their commanders. "We were unwilling to accept indecisiveness.”
"The war's aim, which was not defined clearly, was even changed in the course of the fighting. The indecisiveness manifested itself in inaction, in not carrying out operational plans, and in cancelling all the missions we were given during the fighting.
"The government didn't take seriously the lives of our troops," said Zvi Marek, a reserve infantry soldier.

This is the war George Bush claims as won by the good guys! That is the kind of unreality that gets up my nose. If the Israeli government is tottering, on the brink of collapsing, over the conduct of this war then Hezbollah can claim a pretty decisive victory I would say.

And I can say that as a fact, not something which can be implied to mean support for terrorism. Hiding from the truth seems to me to be a greater form of support for terrorists.

1 comment:

Lew Scannon said...

George Bush said you're either with us or against us in this war on terror, and if you can't accept the fact that Hizb-Ullah lost, Iraq is going dandy, and Afghanistan is not quickly degenerating back into a theocracy, then you are with the terrorists.