Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bush has been called worse things, says aide

The Bush administration reacted to John Prescott's frank assessment of the President's abilities by saying he had been called worse in the past and would likely be called worse in the future.

What? I really want to know what he has been called, though crap and cowboy is pretty lame. There must be better insults out there than that!

Okay, all I can offer here for a prize is a one way ticket to Guantanamo Bay (can’t guarantee the balls in the vice thing – sorry), what has Bush been called that is worse than crap?

Come to think of it, we probably can do the balls in a vice thing, for originality.

But what we really want is your actual, real life insults. Personally I agree with the aide, given Bush’s imbecilic behavior I’m sure he has earned a few choice epithets.

So come on, let’s have them!


Reality-Based Educator said...

Momma's Boy - he hates that apparently. Not only does he have a Daddy thing (thus doing everything the opposite of how his father did it), but his overbearing, crazy-ass momma has given him a terra about being too "feminine". Thus the John Wayneesqu caricature.

Cartledge said...

His demeanor seems to invite insult.

Cartledge said...

Your unposted point is well taken, at least from the point of view of being duped.
It is just as well not to question the integrity of voting descisions, but the elected of all stripes are open to critisism.