Sunday, September 03, 2006

Where is Karl?

So George Bush is either in denial or the spin is spinning out of control. The record of false calls stretches back at least to 'mission accomplished', if not further, and denial is probably the most charitable explanation.

Just recently good old George exposed himself as one of the few people on Earth who saw an Israeli victory. His latest position, despite high level advice to the contrary, is to reject the idea that Iraq had descended into civil war despite bloody sectarian fighting in Baghdad.

The real question is, outside his core fan club, will Americans believe him?

The issue is getting coverage in the US, at least judging from my online queries; right through from the Pentagon statement to the denials.

That should mean people are getting both sides through the evolving story, rather than simply fed one sided BS.

Just the fact that he needs to come out, again, to deny reports must be a negative for him in the eyes of many; even if they don't really understand complexities of the issue. The decider being forced to deny and explain must undercut his position.

This, of course, comes on the heels of memories of Katrina, another failure actually acknowledged to an extent.

While I'm wondering what ordinary Americans are making of all of this the question also rises; where is Karl? Where is the magic spin of old, the surefire antidote to presidential goof-ups?

Karl's trick is to stay in front of the news and guide it, not be forced to respond.

All very strange and worrying...


abi said...

I know what you mean. He's a snake. You know he's going to strike. You just don't know when.

Cartledge said...

ahhhh the suspence