Sunday, June 25, 2006

Let’s get it right

SEVEN men arrested in the US for planning to blow up America's tallest building and FBI offices were not Muslims and not linked to the US Islamic community, Islamic leaders insisted yesterday.

The suspects - five Americans and two foreigners - arrested on Thursday after approaching an undercover FBI agent who they thought was an agent of al-Qaeda, were described as a cult.

So why is it, every time I hear a news report, like the early ones in this saga, my eyes roll back and the word bullshit forms on my lips?

The Authorities knew these malcontents were not Muslim terrorists; they used the fact that these idiots wanted to contact al-Qaeda to help trap them. But in the end they were, for the most part, home grown, simple minded cultists.

Don’t get me wrong, anyone as dumb as this lot should be taken off the streets, for everyone’s safety. But don’t spread needless fear and alarm by styling them as something they are not.

Even worse, every time Bush officials play this game they further dilute their credibility. In the current climate, truthfulness and credibility are essential to protect everyone from the low life malcontents our sad excuses for government are creating.


Anonymous said...

So why is it, every time I hear a news report, like the early ones in this saga, my eyes roll back and the word bullshit forms on my lips?

It's the curse of thinking critically. ;-)

Reality-Based Educator said...

I laughed out loud at both the "every time I hear a news report, like the early ones in this saga, my eyes roll back and the word bullshit forms on my lips?" and the "Don’t get me wrong, anyone as dumb as this lot should be taken off the streets, for everyone’s safety" parts of your post, cartledge.

The 2006 Rove strategy is in full force: call any critic of the current Iraq policy a "cut-and-run defeatist" and trot out terror arrests to show how safe the administration is keeping the American people in the war on terror (even if the people being arrested are like the gang that couldn't shoot straight!)

Red terror alerts can't be far behind. I predict the first one comes in August.

Cartledge said...

It's the curse of thinking critically. Something I aspire to, but fall short so often, at least the corollary; intellectual integrity and deductive reasoning.
There is such an overload of bullshit, and REB, as you noted elsewhere; complicated by political correctness.
It is the curse, I expect, of the ability to see the emperor is quite naked – that the powers who would implore us to ‘trust us’, regardless of the obvious bullshit, are not playing their games in our interest.
I’m reminded of the old Chinese curse, ‘may you live in interesting times’.
So as the corrupt parade files past I can picture myself standing pissing into the wind, splashing myself while gaining only temporary relief.
I know these times will pass, that some kind of normality will return. I just don’t know how societies can switch off and let this happen to them.