Thursday, June 08, 2006

Election scandal overload

As a corruption news chaser, my day starts with a scan of online media with an emphasis on Google News, sorted by date, to ensure catching breaking news.

Browsing my usual set of search terms, all related to corruption in its various forms, I'm struck by pages of current US election news.

Don't panic, there hasn't been a rash of new corruption overnight, but nearly every
election race story in the US has the 'corruption', 'scandal' tags embedded in them.

To be fair, there were one or two which were along the lines of 'with no taint of scandal...' or similar, but only one or two.

Oh, and don't start getting all defensive, it is not just US elections. In this current phase of human history, it seems corruption and elections are two words welded together across the world.

No doubt it gives rise to frustration for me, as so many irrelevant stories are corrupted by the tags.
However, the real concern should be the deplorable level of governance demonstrated by elected officials around the globe.
It's one thing for leaders to lead, but we should expect them to lead with positive values and a sense of probity.

Fortunately, after digging deep into the news pages, I found I could rely on those good old, corrupt, third world countries for some real news. As we all know, that is where the corruption really is.

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