Saturday, June 10, 2006

al-Zarqawi's fate

Bill Leak from The Australian

For some interesting takes on Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's death I recommend:

Zarqawi was a tool – Born at the Crest

KnightRidder: Zarqawi's Death Changes Little In Iraq - Reality Based Educator


Cartledge said...

It's a demand market, surely. Creating a good propaganda tool is easy, but you really need to have a firm outcome in mind.
I'm sure the Penatagon are working on al-II

Anonymous said...

I don't view the al-Zarqawi killing as a propaganda tool at all nor do I view it as a political boost (if any) for Bush. I view it as a positive accomplishement, and for once one would think that we could all rejoice in his killing and appreciate the event....but no, the liberals want to shoot it down, criticize, and perhaps memorialize al-Zarqawi and portray him as being a "patriot" in other words "a good guy" that fought against the "evil US forces."

Cartledge said...

I would be helpful, anon, if you were to support your outrageous generalizations.
I for one portray al-Zarqawi as nothing more than a propaganda tool.
Good guy, bad guy? It's a bit academic if he is largely a created creature.
As to the 'evil US forces', I should point out that is your rendering.
The US, and my Australian forces for that matter, are not the ones I would portray as evil.
The focus is not on the tools, but on the governments who use them.
The administration of this war is littered with forced admissions of manufactured evidence, and double dealing.
I believe any doubts as to the truthfulness of the coalition governments more than justified.

Cartledge said...

I'm behind on that news froggy, thanks.

Cartledge said...

I'm behind on that news froggy, thanks.