Apparently increasing numbers think "a large proportion" of British Muslims feel no loyalty to the UK and are ready to condone or even carry out terrorist atrocities, while far more people feel threatened by Islam itself than was the case five years ago.
According to the Daily Mail report, the survey asked almost 1,800 people across Britain for their views on terrorism and the "Muslim connection", and compared the findings with identical surveys taken in 2001 after the September 11 attacks, and immediately after last year's July 7 bombings in London.
The starkest finding was that 53 per cent of people now agreed that Islam itself - not just fundamentalist groups - posed a threat to Western liberal democracy, while only 34 per cent disagreed.
Britain’s Communities Secretary, Ruth Kelly, believes that the country is becoming polarised between Muslims and the rest of the population, which is suspicious of them, and that a belief in "a clash of civilisations" has taken root.
Time to get the Crusades going again.
And the Inquisition.
annonny-maus why am I not surprised?
I think I might give them a miss too REB. Those leper homes were a real killer.
It's high time that we start calling these spades what they are.
Which would be...?
There a lot of Christians in the US who feel no loyalty to the Constitution, annonny-maus. Should we round them all up too?
Yes, bring back the leper homes! And the workhouses!!! And don't forget debtor's prisons!!! That'll show 'em!!!
The Inquisition, what a show, the Inquisition, here we go...
Mindful that our annonny-maus type contributors, the whom I love to see drop by, will only ever see the black and white argument.
I don't mind, it is better than living in a fool's paradise and believing everyone out there will apply critical thinking.
I'll keep using qualifiers for those who will actually read them. There are real concerns which are not black and white so the odd disparaging comment will be borne with good grace.
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