Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Intel hunts royal gossip

While we enjoy (at least on this blog) a day of diversion from events of real importance, I continue to be amused by the pettiness and irrelevance underlying our ‘sophisticated’ societies.

(Pic: The Pretender to the Italian throne and his ice skating 'queen'.)

Over on my main site, GP Daily, I have endeavoured to build a diary of sorts on world corruption. The aim has been to create both a reference resource, and to a degree, a comparison of corruption levels between developed and developing economies.

On the latter score, if you are interested, it is pretty much match point; the major difference being in the sophistication of corruption scams.

The site is really starting to take off now, but not primarily on corruption as I’d hoped. Oh, I will keep going on that issue, as there is a base of appreciative visitors.

The real launch point, or the fuel for takeoff, was a corruption scandal surrounding the pretender to the Italian throne, ‘Prince’ Vittorio Emmanuele, he of the “I don’t need to rent whores!”

Well I’ve found a world starved of royal scandal and grabbing onto any morsel I can find.

What I find really curious, scanning through my visitors stats, are the number of hits from US Admin servers, including various military servers plus others like DOJ, Inland Revenue and good old Homeland.

Whooo! Here I am running snippets on US scandals of all types, am I being watched? Are they going to find something nasty and do something nasty to me?

No Sireee Bob! Each one of these sinister visits follows the same curious pathways – they are looking for royal bloody gossip. Can you believe it, all that great infrastructure in place to protect and preserve the land of the bloody free and they are busy looking for tit bits of royal scandal.

The other amazing thing, just over the weekend, is the search engine hits. They are going through the roof. Looking for corruption? Not on your life! Hundreds of hits are looking for the actual pictures, the crime scene pictures, of a horribly smashed up Princess Di.

I had reported on the fact that her sons were distressed that an Italian magazine had printed the photos, pics which should have been secure in police hands, and these voyeuristic bastards actually expect me to post them onsite. It is a sick world, and no mistake.

By the way, please don’t tell anyone that I am at heart a small ‘r’ republican, it might just spoil my amazing success on the corruption site.

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