Saturday, July 15, 2006

Black Days

I don’t watch TV, it holds no real interest. Sure there is some quality entertainment, and even quality news, but wading through the slop to get to it is not a pressing need.

Today I’m doubly thankful, having seen stills of the carnage wrought by Israel in an already troubled region.

My thoughts on Israel are well documented, I doubt there is much left to be said. What I find more troubling is the ready acceptance of many, even delight and excitement, at the tragedy being played out before them.

Humankind has made enormous strides in technology, and mistakes that for advances in civilization. Plainly we are no more advanced on that front then the Israelis and Egyptians, the Babylonians and Persians of the Old Testament.

Many only need to look around their own families and acquaintances to see the delight in and the pressing need for destructive behavior. Our workplaces encourage and thrive on it, out governments are rooted in it; in fact under our political systems wouldn’t exist without at least the role play of hate and destruction.

Even the churches, the supposed lamps of enlightenment, all things bright and beautiful, are busily destroying themselves from within. And it was ever thus.

I have been researching and prepping articles on Italy’s Royal waste of real estate, the Duke of Savoy, currently swathed in scandal.

He is the head of several noble religious orders, the saints of whom were recognized and canonized for their battle glories.

I am beginning to think that it is no bad thing if mankind marching steadily toward self destruction. In the vastness of time we are of little consequence, and have hardly earned any special rights over the rapidly deteriorating planet we claim as home.

With a few special exceptions, I am disgusted with and despairing of my fellow humans. The harsh reality is, those who would champion confrontation, hate and destruction far out number the few who hold hope for a better way.


Cartledge said...

Seems so.

Anonymous said...

All other species of Homo lasted only a few 100k years each. Perhaps it is our time...

Cartledge said...

As Australia's great bushranger/outlaw Ned Kelly said from the gallows - "Such is life."