Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Right is wrong on the UN

The response from the US right seems to go a long way to confirming the recent remarks by Mark Malloch Brown, the deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Typically the responses have been distinguished by juvenile vilification and the recycling of known falsehoods which mark the lack of depth in the Right’s debating style.

In my reading of his comments, Brown acknowledged that the organisation has its issues, problems which are not being helped by the official US attitude.

Rather than addressing the real concerns expressed by Brown, US critics are more concerned to defend the indefensible in their own backyard.

Brown took one critic, Rush Limbaugh, head on. The response:

"Brown is saying ... that [the U.N.] is not recognized for its true benefit to world peace ... because of me and Fox News poisoning your minds." Limbaugh responded by advising his listeners that Brown "is just another pointy-headed, elitist liberal saying you're a bunch of mind-numbed robots and you can't make up your own minds about things."

That’s right, a bit of good old vilification should win every argument, every time!

This long post continues here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Limbaugh's dittohead audience could make up their own minds about things, he'd be out of business.