Sunday, June 18, 2006

Pentagon’s bullshit details of U.S. Abuse of Detainees

Wow, those naughty American military folk, actually admitting to:

"…several incidents involving U.S. special operations forces in 2003-04. It said interrogators fed some Iraqi detainees only bread and water for up to 17 days, used unapproved interrogation practices such as sleep deprivation and loud music and stripped at least one prisoner."

An here we thought they were playing rough with their prisoners, but all the time it was no worse than the behaviour of any busy and forgetful family, toward their pets.

The way the US media is sucking this bullshit up, it is obviously well crafted to tell the country just what they want/need to hear. Yes Virginia, war is hell, and shit happens, but it ain’t so bad really.

"…the detainees' treatment was wrong but not illegal and reflected inadequate resources and lack of oversight and proper guidance." So there you have, just one of those things really.

Of course this readily accepted and eagerly lapped up, bullshit ignores the many reports over recent times of very real and horrid incidents.

A forest of newsprint should paper over the mess quite adequately it seems.
Lest I seem unfair singling out the terminally blind US population, I will also lump my Australian and Canadian countrymen in as well. Their governments are equally complicit in this brutal, illegal treatment of detainees, and the populations just as happily blind to the facts. And there are none so blind as those who will not see.

Refusing to acknowledge the truth of these issues of prisoner abuse is a sad commentary on out societies, but worse, a very real motive for the growing numbers of people around the world who will despise us for our blind stupidity and wanton cruelty.


Reality-Based Educator said...

I'm of the opinion that Americans like to think they're not capable of atrocities. Whenever we perpetrate them, we say things like "It's an isolated incident" or "It was just a couple of bad apples."

But of course Americans are capable of atrocities. Hell, manifest destiny is one big atrocity. And while I am not one to think the use of American military power is inherently bad, I am one to thinkway this administration uses it is. And the prisoner abuse/rendition stuff is just fucking evil.

I'm kind of incoherent today on stuff. After a week where the Zaraqwi killing allowed the GOP to return to the "either support the Iraq war as it is currently being fought or admit you're a terrorist-lover" and the Rove skaye, I just feel this blind rage that evil awlays triumphs. And these fuckers running the show are evil.

Cartledge said...

RBE, I’m with you on all that. I’m really pushing at the moment for time to research and consider all the issues here.
In fact I was simply reacting to the dominant media take as opposed the full import of the military statement.
Anger demanded some kind of comment, and anger seems to be the current mood. Anger or just plain helplessness when you can see the emperor has no clothes, and few others want to see it.
Perhaps we are both a little incoherent, but I’m sure something of the frustration of out current social/political scene comes through fairly clearly.