Sunday, November 05, 2006

Aussie identify salvation vote target for Bush

Stories that didn't make GP BS:

Just to disabuse any idea the world is not watching, there is a new strategy being advance in Australia to aid the beleaguered Bush administration.

According to the Sunday Telegraph, a Murdoch rag, one in five Americans believes in Alien abductions; while 3.7 million Americans have been abducted by aliens.

"These people have been sidelined so far in this campaign, no one is speaking up for them. advice Advice to to George W. Bush includes: woo the alien abductee vote before the mid-terms, offer free counselling to any person of voting age who has been probed by an alien in the middle of the night and there's a good chance that both the Senate and House of Reps will remain in your parties culpable, I mean, capable hands."

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