Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It is Criminal

Talk around the blogosphere is suggesting that conservative defenders of Karl Rove and Scooter Libby have settled on their No. 1 talking point: the grand jury investigation into the CIA leak scandal represents the “criminalization of politics.”
“According to a database search, every single television reference to the CIA leak scandal as the “criminalization of politics” in the last 30 days has been on Fox. Even more stunning: on every occasion, the phrase was introduced into the segment by a Fox News anchor or correspondent, never by a guest.”

The message seems to be that all those who now find themselves in hot water really didn't do anything wrong, other than engage in rough-and-ready, and successful, conservative politics. Star Tribune

I can accept that such a poorly scripted, ambiguous approach could emanate from the White house minders. Their track record on spin is shaky, after all. What I find difficult is that it would get past Rupert Murdoch and into his media outlets.
Don’t get me wrong, Rupert is right up with the pack in the political dirty tricks department. It is simply that messages sponsored by him are generally better crafted and targeted.
As one commentator pointed out, this message is so ambiguous that the average Fox News viewer will totally misunderstand its intended meaning.
Personally, I like the alternative interpretation, the suggestion that the White House might be ‘criminalising politics’. One thing is very obvious; there is a campaign afoot to criminalise a prosecutors investigation.

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