I doubted you at times, but never stopped adoring you
You were the worthy daughter of your father
Like him you will live on in hearts and minds
A granite like presence into an uncertain future
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.” Joseph Goebbels
It's just unspeakable what happened. On NPR today they were listing all the protections she'd requested from the government that she never got.
Very nice, Cartledge.
Thank you for this lovely pause. I too shed a tear. But it was more a tear of anger. Our news is covering the stock market & oil price angle of her death. She'll be buried in a few hours, her country is ripping itself up & we are worried about filling up the gastank. I am not proud of humanity today.
Great to see you NYE
Thanks abi
and d.k - I understand all those other issues, but the news has simply stunned me at this stage.
I still have trouble finding the words or even delving into events.
thank you for the lovely tribute to her.....so so sad....
thank you enigma. Sometimes words fail, and I'm still not sure where that came from.
Today I have found some words, the anger phase i believe.
the words came....
( about her "protection" I saw Gail Sheehy on an interview this weekend, she went to see her and work on a book in the fall , AFTER the first attack, and she said that Bhutto had requested protection, and that she was only given ONE female guard- period.
That definently renewed my anger.,...and dismay..she was relying on the people around her to protect her....so sad)
Benazir made all the appropriate preparations for her death, almost as though she knew she was a martyr in waiting.
Perhaps the only way to beat the Musharraf/Bush team was to help them shoot themselves in their collective feet.
As I suggest, she will live on as an example to all of true bravery for a great cause.
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