Mind you, my previous blog was a dig at poor ole Sol Trujillo and his racial sensitivities. But I’m sure Sol has better things to do than screwing up my limited blogging activities.
Oh well, I guess this just give fewer distractions from the research I’m currently engaged in. It also adds Sol to my list of subjects.
Maybe Sol has it in for Kvatch or Abi? I thought an IP block was generated either by your own IP or the recipient's IP. You sure it's not just a temporary glitch?
Sadly DK it seems fairly permanent. You are probably right about the methodology and my Singapore based ISP says there is no block. All I know is that I cannot connect to these IP ranges. I bow to superior technical knowledge but find it strange on the traceroute the connection 'times out' just prior to the final destination.
So it never even makes connection? It times out? Cuz that sounds more like a squirrelly dial-up problem to me. Are you able to get into your settings and change the time allowed for connection? This is beyond my limit of knowledge of such things, but I recall an IT guy having to do something like that with my work computer once.
Fair crack of the whip DK. you'll spoil a perfectly enjoyable paranoia episode :)
Cart, I apologize for the problem you're having with my site. I certainly took no action (that I know of) to block you.
A few months ago, I was having serious spam problems. So I installed a plugin that checks for keystrokes actually being typed into the comment field. If you are typing your comment in some text editor, and then pasting the comment into the comment field of my site, that might cause the problem. Other than that, I have no idea why you can't post to my site.
I'll keep looking for the reason, but right now I'm stumped. Sorry...
Abi, it's not your doing. I can get through with a proxy browser, albeit with no functionality.
According to the traceroute I get blocked at your final hosting server. When I get some space here I will email them and see if tey can find the issue.
But thanks...
Cartledge... Everyone...
The Frogette and I have discovered that our IP (Ragebot and 10 other sites) is being blocked by at least 3 Australian ISPs. We've only got one confirmed as allowing access to Ragebot.
Not sure what, if anything, I can do about this. The Australian censoring authorities apparently don't consider appeals of their brain-dead decisions.
Kvatch, thanks. We are currently collecting our support material here for an attack. Trouble is, as usual, most people don't understand or care. I figure the squeaky wheel is the only approach.
I'd rather not blog about blogging, but... I'll post n update on the censorship/service battle in the next day or two.
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