Saturday, May 27, 2006

A Blow to Democracy

So the great leaders in Washington are showing their feet of clay.

Forget the entrenched petty pilfering; the real corruption is that of democracy.
It might be bough about by the same base desires and rank arrogance, but the
diminution of freedoms and democratic rights will always be far more alarming
than the theft.

I don’t know if Hastert is guilty of petty corruption or not, I don’t
really care. I do no he is guilty of that greater corruption, subverting the
claimed equality of the people.

Believe me, this is a concern which spreads well past the US borders.

My Australian Prime Minster and my Canadian Prime Minister are currently in
the thrall of the lawless Washington push, as is the Prime Minister of my many
British friends.

When the House leaders cried foul over a DoJ on an office attached to the House,
and were backed up by a now largely ineffective President, we were told the
real truth; there are now two laws, one for the powerful and one for the rest.

True, we have suspected that was the situation for some time, but this is clear
and unassailable proof. It means that in the USA, certain groups of powerful
people exist outside the laws which govern everyone else.

My collective Prime Ministers have been traveling that road more and more frequently,
as well.

Now don’t give me any clap trap about the American Constitution, it does
not provide blanket indemnity for lawmakers, and neither should it.

If a lawmaker gets caught with their hand on the money, they, more than anyone
should be held to account. They are the ones who fashion the law, who decide
what is right or wrong for society, they are the architects of the law.

WE, as ordinary citizens of our respective countries can question, protest
or disagree with their laws, but we are bound by them in the end. So should
they be.

That one move, the sequence from the House leaders crying unfair to the President
stepping in to put a stop to justice being done, represents the saddest moment
for modern democracy.

It is the final affirmation of power corrupting totally.

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