Thursday, November 10, 2005

A Diminishing Intelligence

“This is a sad day. We're becoming a laughingstock of not only the nation, but of the world, and I hate that,” said board member Janet Waugh.
Janet was responding to the 6-4 vote was a victory for intelligent design advocates in Kansas.
Supporters of the new standards said they will promote academic freedom.
“It gets rid of a lot of dogma that's being taught in the classroom today,” says board member John Bacon.
The corruption in this is a fundamental issue of law courts believing they can adjudicate the laws of nature. By admitting to this ID nonsense there is a rejection, not simply of one aspect of science, but of science per se.
That is sad. Of course, nature, science, is not subject to the whims of the law courts, or narrow religious definitions. Regardless of the court finding, truth is truth, plain and simple.
More than anything, this is the desperate response from those so fearful of the realities of life they would see us all revert to superstitious reflections of some imagined past.
We should take heart however. It was just a decade or so ago that the Roman Catholic Church finally admitted they were wrong and Copernicus was right. The earth does indeed revolve around the sun and not the opposite.
The ‘church’ is guilty of many, many errors of judgment in the past and will doubtless continue to take and enforce wrongheaded positions.
In part, the errors of ‘the church’ are based on the rejection of their own theologians, the ones who subject the Bible to standards of reason. The ones who attempt to untangle the additions and errors, the politically inspired corruption which plagues the ‘word’.
Instead, these narrow, bible focused ‘believers’ prefer to accept a mish mash of belief which is often relevant to nothing other than a desire to control.
Yes Janet, it is sad. But take hope. My God is not limited by the narrow definitions of these backwoods believers. My God is not subject to the findings of a court room. Our faith must be a true faith and trust, not just words to be repeated ad nauseum, but never practiced.
The wheel will turn, as it always does.

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