The rise of failed seminarian, Tone Abbott, to Prime Minister
of Australia bout the ‘morality’ augment firmly into Australia’s political
discourse, though like other countries it has long been present. The frequency the concept is used by or
against Abbott, in national debate, makes it an ideal candidate for a drinking
game, but does it really explain anything?
Moral and ethical are, to a great degree, interchangeable
words, the former preferred by the religiously inclined the latter by the
academic mind. But both words represent constructs of good and bad in the mind
of the user and indeed the minds of the receiver. If I have definitions of
morals, and being ad hoc constructs I use the plural, they would not always
accord with your definitions.
That is right, ad hoc and worse, inconsistent. Look at the
evidence: Te pro-life movement holds that abortion is immoral, yet they argue
that welfare to help feed children or the death penalty are morally justified.
That is, it’s fine to kill people, just not foetuses. The aforementioned Abbott holds it is morally
reprehensible to allow people smugglers to put people’s lives at risk, but
wholly acceptable to pay money to those same people to take the leaky boats
back out to sea.
Is there an alternative to moral/ethical imperatives?
Of course, but like life doing things the right way is not
likely to be the easy way. To have a consistent system to moderate
social/political decision making would mean being willing to the slew of
prejudices we have been fed from birth and replace them with facts, evidence
based facts.
There is a truism, an erroneous one as it happens;
‘ignorance is no excuse under law’. The law is a poor analogy, as it has
developed beyond the ability of ‘everyman’ to comprehend, which is a
consequence of the faulty morality dynamic. Ignorance can be countered, to a
great extent, by having an ‘evidence base’ as a consistent platform for all our
thinking and behaviours.
Of course we, as individuals don’t need any more ‘in depth’
knowledge of fact than we currently do of the mass of moral imperatives. The
fundamental facts on any issue can be, and often are, readily available for
those who seek out the evidence. True they often conflict with entrenched
belief, but the beauty, the evidence of their value is consistency.
There is another problem facts present to a humanity often
scare of ambiguity; fact can change as we learn more. Yet the fact is, life is
ambiguous. We need to teach and learn that there can be a real joy in finding
our firmly held views were wrong, and in changing them. It just comes down to breaking
the lifelong habits of some seven billion humans.